Class SclElementsProviderService

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SclElementsProviderService extends Object implements SclElementsProvider
  • Constructor Details

    • SclElementsProviderService

      public SclElementsProviderService()
  • Method Details

    • getSubnetwork

      public List<SubNetworkDTO> getSubnetwork(SCL scd) throws ScdException
      Description copied from interface: SclElementsProvider
      Gets list of SCL SubNetworks
      Specified by:
      getSubnetwork in interface SclElementsProvider
      scd - SCL file in which SubNetworks should be found
      List of SubNetworkDTO from SCL
      ScdException - throws when no Communication in SCL and createIfNotExists == false
    • getExtRefInfo

      public List<ExtRefInfo> getExtRefInfo(SCL scd, String iedName, String ldInst) throws ScdException
      Description copied from interface: SclElementsProvider
      Gets all ExtRef from specific IED/LDevice in SCL file
      Specified by:
      getExtRefInfo in interface SclElementsProvider
      scd - SCL file in which ExtRefs should be found
      iedName - name of IED in which LDevice is localized
      ldInst - LdInst of LDevice in which all ExtRefs should be found
      list of ExtRefInfo from specified parameter SCL/IED/LDevice
      ScdException - throws when unknown specified IED or LDevice
    • getExtRefBinders

      public List<ExtRefBindingInfo> getExtRefBinders(SCL scd, String iedName, String ldInst, String lnClass, String lnInst, String prefix, ExtRefSignalInfo signalInfo) throws ScdException
      Description copied from interface: SclElementsProvider
      Gets all possible ExtRefs to bind in SCL file with given ExtRef (signalInfo) in SCL file
      Specified by:
      getExtRefBinders in interface SclElementsProvider
      scd - SCL file in which ExtRefs should be found
      iedName - name of IED in which LDevice is localized
      ldInst - ldInst of LDevice in which LN is localized
      lnClass - lnClass of LN in which ExtRef signal to find binders is localized
      lnInst - lnInst of LN in which ExtRef signal to find binders is localized
      prefix - prefix of LN in which ExtRef signal to find binders is localized
      signalInfo - ExtRef signal for which we should find possible binders in SCL file binders
      list of ExtRefBindingInfo object (containing binding data for each LNode in current SCL file) sorted by compareTo method.
      ScdException - throws when ExtRef contains inconsistency data
    • getExtRefSourceInfo

      public List<ControlBlock> getExtRefSourceInfo(SCL scd, ExtRefInfo extRefInfo) throws ScdException
      Description copied from interface: SclElementsProvider
      Gets all Control Blocks related to extRefInfo in given SCL file
      Specified by:
      getExtRefSourceInfo in interface SclElementsProvider
      scd - SCL file in which ControlBlocks should be found
      extRefInfo - ExtRef signal for which we should find related ControlBlocks
      list of ControlBlock object as ControlBlocks of LNode specified in extRefInfo
      ScdException - throws when mandatory data of ExtRef are missing
    • getDAI

      public Set<DataAttributeRef> getDAI(SCL scd, String iedName, String ldInst, DataAttributeRef dataAttributeRef, boolean updatable) throws ScdException
      Description copied from interface: SclElementsProvider
      Gets a list of summarized DataTypeTemplate for DataAttribute DA (updatable or not) related to the one given in dataAttributeRef
      Specified by:
      getDAI in interface SclElementsProvider
      scd - SCL file in which DataTypeTemplate of DAIs should be found
      iedName - name of IED in which DAs are localized
      ldInst - ldInst of LDevice in which DAIs are localized
      dataAttributeRef - reference summarized DataTypeTemplate related to IED DAIs
      updatable - true to retrieve DataTypeTemplate's related to only updatable DAIs, false to retrieve all
      Set of Data Attribute Reference for DataAttribute (updatable or not)
      ScdException - SCD illegal arguments exception, missing mandatory data
    • getEnumTypeValues

      public Set<EnumValDTO> getEnumTypeValues(SCL scd, String idEnum) throws ScdException
      Description copied from interface: SclElementsProvider
      Gets EnumTypes values of ID idEnum from DataTypeTemplate of SCL file
      Specified by:
      getEnumTypeValues in interface SclElementsProvider
      scd - SCL file in which EnumType should be found
      idEnum - ID of EnumType for which values are retrieved
      list of couple EnumType value and it's order
      ScdException - throws when unknown EnumType