Interface ControlBlockNetworkSettings

All Known Implementing Classes:
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface ControlBlockNetworkSettings
This interface has a single method which provides network settings for a ControlBlock. These are used to create: - the Communication/SubNetwork/ConnectedAP/GSE element, which is the network configuration of a GSEControl block - the Communication/SubNetwork/ConnectedAP/SMV element, which is the network configuration of a SampledValueControl block It is a FunctionalInterface, so it can be implemented with a lambda expression.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getNetworkSettings

      ControlBlockNetworkSettings.SettingsOrError getNetworkSettings(ControlBlockAdapter controlBlockAdapter)
      This method provides a vlanId, vlanPriority, minTime, maxTime for this ControlBlock. vlanPriority will be ignored when vlanId is null.
      controlBlockAdapter - ControlBlock for which we want to configure the communication section
      network settings to use for configuring Communication section for this ControlBlock. An error message can be provided (i.e. errorMessage not null) or a null settings, in order to avoid configuring the ControlBlock.