Class FcdaCsvHelper


public class FcdaCsvHelper extends Object
This class is a helper method to load FCDA from a CSV files for use with HmiService.createAllHmiReportControlBlocks(SCL, List) org.lfenergy.compas.sct.commons.ExtRefService#createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL, Set) org.lfenergy.compas.sct.commons.ExtRefService#createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL, String, Set) org.lfenergy.compas.sct.commons.ExtRefService#createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL, String, String, Set) Use the getter to access the list of parsed FCDA.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • FcdaCsvHelper

      public FcdaCsvHelper(Reader csvSourceForHmiReportControl, Reader csvSourceForDataSetAndControlBlocks)
      Constructor Provide the CSV files as a Reader. For example, you can create a reader like this : new InputStreamReader(getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(fileName), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
      csvSourceForHmiReportControl - a reader that provides the FCDA datas for HMI ReportControl Blocks as CSV
      csvSourceForDataSetAndControlBlocks - a reader that provides the FCDA datas for DataSets and Control Blocks creation as CSV