Interface ControlBlockEditor

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ControlBlockEditor
Service class that will be used to create, update or delete elements related to the TExtRef object.

The following features are supported:

  • Method Details

    • removeAllControlBlocksAndDatasetsAndExtRefSrcBindings

      void removeAllControlBlocksAndDatasetsAndExtRefSrcBindings(SCL scl)
      Removes all ControlBlocks and DataSets for all LNs in SCL
      scl - SCL file for which ControlBlocks and DataSets should be deleted
    • analyzeDataGroups

      List<SclReportItem> analyzeDataGroups(SCL scd)
      Checks Control Blocks, DataSets and FCDA number limitation into Access Points
      scd - SCL file for which LDevice should be activated or deactivated
      list of encountered errors
    • createDataSetAndControlBlocks

      List<SclReportItem> createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL scd, Set<FcdaForDataSetsCreation> allowedFcdas)
      Create All DataSet and ControlBlock in the SCL based on the ExtRef
      scd - input SCD object. It could be modified by adding new DataSet and ControlBlocks
      allowedFcdas - List of allowed FCDA for DataSets and Control Blocks creation
      list of encountered errors
    • createDataSetAndControlBlocks

      List<SclReportItem> createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL scd, String targetIedName, Set<FcdaForDataSetsCreation> allowedFcdas)
      Create All DataSet and ControlBlock for the ExtRef in given IED
      scd - input SCD object. The object will be modified with the new DataSet and ControlBlocks
      targetIedName - the name of the IED where the ExtRef are
      allowedFcdas - List of allowed FCDA for DataSets and Control Blocks creation
      list of encountered errors
    • createDataSetAndControlBlocks

      List<SclReportItem> createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL scd, String targetIedName, String targetLDeviceInst, Set<FcdaForDataSetsCreation> allowedFcdas)
      Create All DataSet and ControlBlock for the ExtRef in given IED and LDevice
      scd - input SCD object. The object will be modified with the new DataSet and ControlBlocks
      targetIedName - the name of the IED where the ExtRef are
      targetLDeviceInst - the name of the LDevice where the ExtRef are
      allowedFcdas - List of allowed FCDA for DataSets and Control Blocks creation
      list of encountered errors
    • configureNetworkForAllControlBlocks

      List<SclReportItem> configureNetworkForAllControlBlocks(SCL scd, ControlBlockNetworkSettings controlBlockNetworkSettings, ControlBlockNetworkSettings.RangesPerCbType rangesPerCbType)
      Configure the network for all the ControlBlocks. Create (or update if already existing) these elements - the Communication/SubNetwork/ConnectedAP/GSE element, for the GSEControl blocks - the Communication/SubNetwork/ConnectedAP/SMV element, for the SampledValueControl blocks
      scd - input SCD object. The object will be modified with the new DataGSESet and SMV elements
      controlBlockNetworkSettings - a method tha gives the network configuration information for a given ControlBlock
      rangesPerCbType - provide NetworkRanges for GSEControl and SampledValueControl. NetworkRanges contains : start-end app APPID range (long value), start-end MAC-Addresses (Mac-Addresses values: Ex: "01-0C-CD-01-01-FF")
      list of encountered errors
      See Also: