Edit on GitHub!

GitHub Actions

Every repository within the CoMPAS GitHub organization need a default set of GitHub Actions. GitHub Actions are CI/CD steps within a GitHub Repository that you can configure. This way, you can ensure that certain steps (like building) are always triggered on for example a commit push.

Within CoMPAS, we define the following ‘must have’ GitHub Actions:

More to follow.

GitHub Actions are configured using YAML files. These files are stored in the .github/workflows directory of a specific repository.

Maven settings.xml during GitHub Action for GitHub Packages

During multiple GitHub Actions (like building and SonarCloud analysis), the custom settings.xml file is needed because it needs access to the GitHub Packages to download certain artifacts. We can do this by adding the following step before the GitHub Packages repository is needed.

- name: Create custom Maven Settings.xml
  uses: whelk-io/maven-settings-xml-action@v18
    output_file: custom_maven_settings.xml
    servers: '[{ "id": "github-packages-compas", "username": "OWNER", "password": "$" }]'

This basically creates a custom settings.xml at location custom_maven_settings.xml. This file can be passed to maven in the next step by using mvn -s custom_maven_settings.xml and perhaps some extra parameters you wish for.

For the servers part, we again have the github-packages-compas ID that needs to be the same. We have an OWNER username (this is the default, because it needs to have a username) and a password which is the GITHUB_TOKEN that’s always available.


All source code repositories need some kind of building step. By default, all source code repositories use Maven as the build tool.

This building step is pretty easy to configure. Just create a maven_build.yml file in the .github/workflows directory containing the following source code:

name: Maven Build

on: push #(1)

    name: Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 15

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up JDK 1.11
        uses: actions/setup-java@v2.3.0
          distribution: 'zulu'
          java-version: '11'
      - name: Create custom Maven Settings.xml #(2)
        uses: whelk-io/maven-settings-xml-action@v18
          output_file: custom_maven_settings.xml
          servers: '[{ "id": "github-packages-compas", "username": "OWNER", "password": "$" }]'
      - name: Build with Maven
        run: mvn -s custom_maven_settings.xml -B clean verify #(3)

A few points to remember:

REUSE check

For keeping our copyright and licensing information up to date and correct, we use REUSE to check this. This is also configured for every separate repository in an easy manner: just create a reuse.yml file in the .github/workflows directory containing the following source code:

name: REUSE Compliance Check

on: push #(1)

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: REUSE Compliance Check
      uses: fsfe/reuse-action@v1

A few points to remember:

This is the only thing that has to be done. After this, it will be checked on every push.

REUSE badge

For transparency, CoMPAS repositories also include a REUSE badge in their README for fast checking the REUSE compliance.

Two steps are needed to get a REUSE badge to work:

  1. Register the Repository at the REUSE website. For name and email, check the Slack channel.
  2. Add the following code to the README:
[![REUSE status](https://api.reuse.software/badge/github.com/com-pas/repoName)](https://api.reuse.software/info/github.com/com-pas/repoName)

There is one steps left: Replace repoName with the name of the specific repository (as stated in the URL).

After doing all these steps, everything is set up for the REUSE check.


For static code analysis, CoMPAS is using SonarCloud. To configure this, there are several steps that needs to be done.

  1. Go to the CoMPAS GitHub organization settings, and click on “Installed GitHub Apps”. SonarCloud is listed here already (because we are already using it). Click on the ‘configure’ button next to it.
  2. In the “Repository access” section, select the repository you want to add. By default, not every repository is added as an extra check.
  3. Create a new project in SonarCloud.
  4. Select the repository to be analyzed, click Set Up.
  5. Choose the Analysis Method “With GitHub Actions”.
  6. It first tells you to create a SONAR_TOKEN secret in your repo. Go to your repository -> Settings - Secrets -> New repository secret -> Name: SONAR_TOKEN. Value: Copy the value from the SonarCloud website into here. Then save the secret
  7. Select Maven as the option that best describes our build and remember the projectKey. and create a sonarcloud_analysis.yml file in the .github/workflows directory containing the following source code running.
name: SonarCloud Analysis

on: push #(1)

    name: Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 15

      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 0
      - name: Set up JDK 1.11
        uses: actions/setup-java@v2.3.0
          distribution: 'zulu'
          java-version: '11'
      - name: Cache SonarCloud packages
        uses: actions/cache@v2.1.6
          path: ~/.sonar/cache
          key: $-sonar
          restore-keys: $-sonar
      - name: Cache Maven packages
        uses: actions/cache@v2.1.6
          path: ~/.m2
          key: $-m2-$
          restore-keys: $-m2
      - name: Create custom Maven Settings.xml #(2)
        uses: whelk-io/maven-settings-xml-action@v18
          output_file: custom_maven_settings.xml
          servers: '[{ "id": "github-packages-compas", "username": "OWNER", "password": "$" }]'
      - name: Build and analyze
          SONAR_TOKEN: $
        run: | #(3)
          mvn -s custom_maven_settings.xml -B -Psonar \
          -Dsonar.projectKey=<insert project key> \
          -Dsonar.organization=com-pas \
          -Dsonar.host.url=https://sonarcloud.io \
          verify org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin:sonar

A few points to remember:

Once this is set, it’s all done!

Docker Hub Deployment

For automatic deployment of our microservices, CoMPAS uses Docker Hub as the central docker image repository. This way, all Docker images can be pulled from a central image repository.

This step is easy to configure. Just create a dockerhub_deployment.yml file in the .github/workflows directory containing the following source code:

name: Docker Hub Deployment

    types: [released] #(1)

    name: Build and publish
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Login to Docker Hub #(2)
        uses: docker/login-action@v1
          username: $
          password: $
      - name: Extract tag name #(3)
        id: extract_tagname
        shell: bash
        # Extra the tagname form the git reference, value of GITHUB_REF will be something like refs/tags/<tag_name>.
        run: echo "##[set-output name=tagname;]$(echo ${GITHUB_REF##*/})"
      - name: Set up JDK 11
        uses: actions/setup-java@v2.3.0
          distribution: 'zulu'
          java-version: '11'
      - name: Create custom Maven Settings.xml
        uses: whelk-io/maven-settings-xml-action@v18
          output_file: custom_maven_settings.xml #(4)
          servers: '[{ "id": "github-packages-compas", "username": "OWNER", "password": "$" }]'
      - name: Set version with Maven
        run: mvn -B versions:set -DprocessAllModules=true -DnewVersion=$
      - name: Deploy with Maven to GitHub Packages and Docker Hub #(5)
        run: ./mvnw -B -s custom_maven_settings.xml -Prelease,native clean deploy

A few points to remember:
