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Database Management

Versioning Overview

Versioning overview

To achieve versioning (which is not available out-of-the-box), we need to add something smart to BaseX. This smart thing is RESTXQ in our case.

With RESTXQ, functions can be created using xQuery and some added intelligence like variables and for-loops for example.

Example RESTXQ function:

  %rest:query-param("term", "{$term}")
function page:search($term as xs:string) {
    for $result in db:open('large-db')//*[text() = $term]
    return <li>{ $result }</li>

By using RESTXQ, a versioning mechanism can be created. So for example, in a edit (PUT) function we can do something like: When editing a already stored configuration, save it by incrementing the version and store as a separate configuration. The old configuration is stored in the archive database, the current version is replaced in the current database.

In a get (GET) function, we can make distinction between newer and older versions using RESTXQ. By using xQuery syntax (scl[@version=”1”] for example), we can get specific versions of a configuration.

Versioning type

For type of versioning, we prefer Semantic Versioning. This to keep versioning simple. For every changeset CoMPAS is going to ask if it’s a major, minor or a patch. This way the version will be adjusted according to the user’s needs. An example of distinction can be:

Saving the version will be done in combination with the History section (tHitem) of the SCL structure. This history section contains multiple history items, so you can create a provenance section. Please checkout the Provenance section for more information. Key point is: a tHitem contains the following attributes:

This creates provenance, and version is one of them. The version attribute will be used for the latest version.

Another solution could be Branch Based Versioning. This way, a configuration file can be ‘branched’, and can be ‘merged’ when the user think it’s fine. When merging, a newer version number can be added (can be done in combination with semantic versioning). This in indeed a fancy way of versioning, but it’s too complex for our use cases. We don’t see users branching a configuration file and saving it for a couple of days, before merging it. Besides, this kind of versioning isn’t supported in BaseX out of the box so we have to create it ourselves. When comparing added value to effort, this isn’t what we want.

Tech Talk

Points to remember

Example using RESTXQ

module namespace page = 'http://basex.org/examples/web-page';

declare %rest:path("hello/{$who}") %rest:GET function page:hello($who) {
    <title>!Hello { $who }!</title>


A single database is restricted to 2 billion nodes (also, see BaseX Statistics) A node in this case is an XML node like an element, attribute, text, etc.



Database Rights

In a microservice architecture, a microservice’s database should be part of the implementation of that service and cannot be accessed directly by other services. This way, the service is loosely coupled and can be developed/scaled/deployed independently.

There are some patterns to keep persistent data private:

The CIM - IEC 61850 service for example get’s their own database. If another service wants to get SCD files from this service, use the API of that particular service.

Where do we set the user privileges of Basex?

Basex has it’s own User Management.

It’s pretty straight forward: Basex has Users that can be created. These users can have so-called permissions that can be applied to the user: BaseX permissions overview

In this overview, we see ‘Global’ permissions and ‘Local’ permissions. In both permission groups, a higher permission includes all lower permissions. So a user with the ‘Create’ permission also has the ‘Read’ permission.

All permissions are stored in a file called users.xml (which can be edited manually) inside the database directory, and is being parsed once BaseX is started.

How do we connect BaseX with a central identity repository/application?

BaseX doesn’t have compatibility with a central identity repository (like Keycloak) out of the box available, but after discussing it with the BaseX community it’s pretty comfortable to achieve this with RESTXQ or xQuery. There are examples available for making use of Keycloak:

Example with xQuery

Example with RESTXQ Author: Marco Lettere. Origin: BaseX Mailing List

Full attached description about this example:

I attach here an example of an OIDC code grant flow implemented with RestXQ, BaseX permission and error handler. The file includes a sort of library for performing the steps of the OIDC flow plus a minimal application that is registered as public client inside keycloak and which is what you should access from your browser by calling http://localhost:8984/authtest or http://localhost:8984/authtest/internal. I’ve put into it also the logout procedure for performing the back-channel logout which closes the SSO session. This is only a resume of a more generic and complex module but it should be useful as a howto and it should be as simple to install as copying the file to your BaseX’ webapp folder. Use it as you like.

Is direct database access allowed within the microservices architecture?

For maintenance for example, it’s of course allowed to have direct database access. There is no best practice available for this. For some things, you just need direct database access.

If other microservices need access to the data of an other microservice, the only way (best practice) to do this is by API calls.

Source: https://microservices.io/patterns/data/database-per-service.html

Provenance Overview

If the generation of a substation fails for example, we would like to know the provenance of the file. This way it’s easier to get the cause.


Provenance is information about entities, activities, and people involved in producing a piece of data or thing, which can be used to form assessments about its quality, reliability or trustworthiness. The PROV Family of Documents defines a model, corresponding serializations and other supporting definitions to enable the inter-operable interchange of provenance information in heterogeneous environments such as the Web. This document provides an overview of this family of documents. (https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-overview/#Abstract)

W3C does have a full standard for extending files with provenance information, in such a way that it’s standardized and it enables the interchangeable of provenance information in environments such as, in our case, XML environments. The design of PROV is based on the recommendations of the Provenance Incubator Group.


One of the documents of W3 PROV is PROV-XML. This document converts the PROV standard to XML definitions, and is what we want. PROV-XML has 6 components to use:

The component we’re most interested in, is component 1. And especially the activities. There is a Activity complexType defined. An Activity in PROV-XML is defined as:

something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities.

This is how we can interpret a edit on a XML file: as an activity.

An activity has a start- and endtime. In our case, that can be the period from opening the file to saving the file. It has a type or activity, which will most of the time be an Edit.

And a set of extra attributes can be added. In the added example, an hostname is added. In our case that’s not very handy, because if CoMPAS is ran locally, the hostname doesn’t say that much. What makes the most sense at this point is adding a User attribute which is linked to the future oAuth 2.0 authorisation/authentication module.

Example of added PROV section. The UserID attribute is a simplified attribute for identifying the entity doing the activity:


  <prov:activity prov:id="ex:a1">
    <prov:type xsi:type="xsd:QName">ex:edit</prov:type>


IEC-61850-6 hItem (History)

A second option is the History section of a SCL file. This section is a standard section of a SCL and contains the following fields:

As you can see, this can be done in combination with versioning. This is enough for the basic usage that we need. For every version (every edit for example), a new hItem will be added to the SCL. This way, we don’t need to extend the SCL by default. We can just use the standard.

Final Thoughts

The best way is to use the History section of a SCL file. It’s flexible enough for our basic needs, so we got the version, the when, the who, etc.

In the future it’s possible that we need to need something extra, for example an origin CIM file from conversion. For this we can use the W3C PROV-XML section. In this case, we can extend the History item with so-called ‘private’ data, which will be the W3C PROV-XML data. For more information about the private elements in the SCL structure, take a look at chapter 8.3.6 of the IEC-61850-6 standard.

