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XSD Extensions

If for some reason you need extended elements/attributes next to the IEC XSD schemas, we define separate XSD schemas. These are stored in the scl-extension module of the CoMPAS Core repository. An example is the CoMPAS XSD.

Another option was using the CoMPAS IEC XSD repository, but we want to keep that repository dedicated to the IEC XSD schemas.

CoMPAS-broad XSD extensions

In case we need CoMPAS-broad specific XSD schemas, these can be added to the scl-extension module of the CoMPAS Core repository as stated above. Added them is enough, the project including the dependency needs to make sure it’s used correctly, e.g. validation should be done by the application itself.


Let’s say you want to use a Filename element and a FileType element, which has been declared in SCL_CoMPAS.xsd as found in the scl-extension module in the CoMPAS Core Repository. We do this by adding:

<!-- #(1) -->
<SCL xmlns="http://www.iec.ch/61850/2003/SCL" xmlns:compas="https://www.lfenergy.org/compas/v1">
	<Header id="someId"/>
	<!-- #(2) -->
 	<Private type="compas_scl">
		<!-- #(3) -->
	<Substation name="mySubstation"/>

Few points:

Make sure validation is done correctly by project’s own validation!