All Classes and Interfaces
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of constants used in application
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object Connected AP.
A representation of the model object ControlBlock.
A representation of the model object
.Service class that will be used to create, update or delete elements related to the
object.This interface has a single method which provides network settings for a ControlBlock.
Range of APPID and range of MAC-Address
NetworkRanges for GSEControl and SampledValueControl
Network settings for ControlBlock communication
Network settings for ControlBlock communication or Error message
This class is an implementation example for interface ControlBlockNetworkSettings.
Record that hold the data for TClientLN and TControlWithIEDName.IEDName which have the same fields.
Utility class to parse CSV files.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.Enumeration of three states for matching check (FAILED, PARTIAL_MATCH, FULL_MATCH)
A representation of the model object DataAttributeRef.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object Data Set.
A representation of the model object Data Type Name.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object DA.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object DoTypeName.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object ExtRef Binding Information.
Service class that will be used to create, update or delete elements related to the
object.A representation of the model object ExtRef.
ExtRef and related Bay model
A representation of the model object ExtRef Signal Information.
A representation of the model object ExtRef Source Information.
This class is a helper method to load FCDA from a CSV files for use with
HmiService.createAllHmiReportControlBlocks(SCL, List)
org.lfenergy.compas.sct.commons.ExtRefService#createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL, Set)
org.lfenergy.compas.sct.commons.ExtRefService#createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL, String, Set)
org.lfenergy.compas.sct.commons.ExtRefService#createDataSetAndControlBlocks(SCL, String, String, Set)
Use the getter to access the list of parsed FCDA.A representation of the model object FCDA.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object GooseControlBlock.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object Header.
A representation of the model object History.
Service class that will be used to manage elements related to the HMI
Report Control Blocks
.Object representing '<compas:ICDHeader' , but with utility methods to manipulate the business
Do not include "currentElements" and so on inside this class
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object IED.
This interface showcases the LDEPF parameters for the LDEPF LDevice.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of settings made for LDEPF LDevice
Object representing '' , but with utility methods to manipulate the business
Do not include "currentElements" and so on inside this class
Common class for all states that define if LDevice should be activated or not
regardless of the CompasLDeviceStatus Private, Enum Values of DO 'Beh' and if it's referenced in Substation...LNode or not
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object LDevice.
Object describing Ldevice Status, prefere this to LdeviceStatus constants as we can get the list of constants here.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object LNode.
A representation of common attributes that defines LDName, LNName.
A representation of the model object LNodeMetaDataEmbedder.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object LogicalNodeOptions.
This object contains factory methods for each
Java content interface and Java element interface
generated in the org.lfenergy.compas.scl2007b4.model package.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Private Enum',
and utility methods for working with them.
A representation of the
.A representation of the model object ReportControlBlock.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.Thrown when SCD is inconsistent
Java class for anonymous complex type.
A representation of the
.A helper class that provides constructors to easily create instances of Jaxb classes generated by xjc.
A representation of the model object SCL.
Service class that will be used to create, update or delete elements in
XML Files.A representation of the model object
.Service class that will be used to retrieve
XML Files.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object
.This class is an implementation example for interface ILDEPFSettings.
A representation of the model object SMVControlBlock.
A representation of the model object
.A representation of the model object Sub Network.
Subnetwork Type enum
A representation of the model object
.Service class that will be used to create, update or delete elements related to the
object.Java class for tAbstractConductingEquipment complex type.
Java class for tAbstractDataAttribute complex type.
Java class for tAbstractEqFuncSubFunc complex type.
Java class for tAccessControl complex type.
Java class for tAccessPoint complex type.
Java class for tAddress complex type.
Java class for tAnyContentFromOtherNamespace complex type.
Java class for tAnyLN complex type.
Java class for tAssociation complex type.
Java class for tAssociationKindEnum.
Java class for tAuthenticationEnum.
Java class for tBaseElement complex type.
Java class for tBay complex type.
Java class for tBDA complex type.
Java class for tBitRateInMbPerSec complex type.
Java class for tCert complex type.
Java class for tCertificate complex type.
Java class for tClientLN complex type.
Java class for tClientServices complex type.
Java class for tCommProt complex type.
Java class for tCommunication complex type.
Define the specific Compas attributes linked to the Bay.
Identifies the Criteria linked to a Flow or LDevice or Function from the user specific catalog of criteria
Define the link between specific Compas attributes and one ExtRef within the STD file.
Java class for tCompasFlowKind.
Java class for tCompasFlowStatus.
Identifies the Function from the user specific catalog of function
Define specific Compas attributes to identify uniquely one IED with-in a SystemVersion for a given ICD, IEDredundancy, IEDSystemVersionInstance
The IEDType defines the set of LD which are supported by the hardware
The VendorName, IEDmodel, hwRev, swRev, headerId, headerVersion, headerRevision are issued from the ICD file
The UUID of this combinaison is defined by the ICDSystemVersionUUID.
Java class for tCompasIEDRedundancy.
Java class for tCompasIEDType.
List of Labels belonging to the SCL File to filter on with a maximum number
Identifies the LDevice from the user specific catalog of LDevice
Java class for tCompasLDeviceStatus.
Java class for tCompasSclFileType.
Identify the SystemVersion to which the functional Bay and IED belongs to.
Describe the connectivity node and layout order for a given Bay;can be multiple instanciated in case of bay which is connected to multiple nodes
Java class for tCompasTopoNodeDirection.
Java class for tConductingEquipment complex type.
Java class for tConfLNs complex type.
Java class for tConnectedAP complex type.
Java class for tConnectivityNode complex type.
Java class for tControl complex type.
Java class for tControlBlock complex type.
Java class for tControlWithIEDName complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for tControlWithTriggerOpt complex type.
Java class for tDA complex type.
Java class for tDAI complex type.
Java class for tDataSet complex type.
Java class for tDataTypeTemplates complex type.
Java class for tDAType complex type.
Java class for tDO complex type.
Java class for tDOI complex type.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupAEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupCEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupFEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupGEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupIEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupKEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupMEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupPEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupQEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupREnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupSEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupTEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupXEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupYEnum.
Java class for tDomainLNGroupZEnum.
Java class for tDOType complex type.
Java class for tDurationInMilliSec complex type.
Java class for tDurationInSec complex type.
Java class for tEnumType complex type.
Java class for tEnumVal complex type.
Java class for tEqFunction complex type.
Java class for tEqSubFunction complex type.
Java class for tEquipment complex type.
Java class for tEquipmentContainer complex type.
Java class for tExtRef complex type.
Java class for tFCDA complex type.
Java class for tFCEnum.
Java class for tFileHandling complex type.
Java class for tFunction complex type.
Java class for tGeneralEquipment complex type.
Java class for tGeneralEquipmentContainer complex type.
Java class for tGOOSEcapabilities complex type.
Java class for tGSE complex type.
Java class for tGSEControl complex type.
Java class for tGSEControlTypeEnum.
Java class for tGSESettings complex type.
Java class for tHeader complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for tHitem complex type.
Java class for tIDNaming complex type.
Java class for tIED complex type.
Java class for tInputs complex type.
Java class for tKDC complex type.
Java class for tLDevice complex type.
Java class for tLine complex type.
Java class for tLLN0Enum.
Java class for tLN complex type.
Java class for tLN0 complex type.
Java class for tLNode complex type.
Java class for tLNodeContainer complex type.
Java class for tLNodeType complex type.
Java class for tLog complex type.
Java class for tLogControl complex type.
Java class for tLogSettings complex type.
Java class for tLPHDEnum.
Java class for tMcSecurity complex type.
Java class for tNaming complex type.
Java class for tP complex type.
Java class for tP_APPID complex type.
Java class for tP_C37-118-IP-Port complex type.
Java class for tP_DNSName complex type.
Java class for tPhaseEnum.
Java class for tPhysConn complex type.
Java class for tP_IP complex type.
Java class for tP_IPbase complex type.
Java class for tP_IP-ClassOfTraffic complex type.
Java class for tP_IP-GATEWAY complex type.
Java class for tP_IP-IGMPv3Src complex type.
Java class for tP_IP-SUBNET complex type.
Java class for tP_IPv6 complex type.
Java class for tP_IPv6base complex type.
Java class for tP_IPv6ClassOfTraffic complex type.
Java class for tP_IPv6FlowLabel complex type.
Java class for tP_IPv6-GATEWAY complex type.
Java class for tP_IPv6-IGMPv3Src complex type.
Java class for tP_IPv6-SUBNET complex type.
Java class for tP_MAC-Address complex type.
Java class for tP_MMS-Port complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-AE-Invoke complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-AE-Qualifier complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-AP-Invoke complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-AP-Title complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-NSAP complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-PSEL complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-SSEL complex type.
Java class for tP_OSI-TSEL complex type.
Java class for tPowerSystemResource complex type.
Java class for tPowerTransformer complex type.
Java class for tPowerTransformerEnum.
Java class for tP_PhysConn complex type.
Java class for tP_Port complex type.
Java class for tPredefinedAttributeNameEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedBasicTypeEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedCDCEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedCommonConductingEquipmentEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedGeneralEquipmentEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedPhysConnTypeEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedPTypeEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedPTypePhysConnEnum.
Java class for tPredefinedTypeOfSecurityEnum.
Java class for tPrivate complex type.
Java class for tProcess complex type.
Java class for tProtNs complex type.
Java class for tProtocol complex type.
Java class for tP_SNTP-Port complex type.
Java class for tP_TCP-Port complex type.
Java class for tP_UDP-Port complex type.
Java class for tP_VLAN-ID complex type.
Java class for tP_VLAN-PRIORITY complex type.
Java class for tRedProt complex type.
Java class for tRedProtEnum.
Java class for tReportControl complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for tReportSettings complex type.
Java class for tRightEnum.
Java class for tRptEnabled complex type.
Java class for tSampledValueControl complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for tSDI complex type.
Java class for tSDO complex type.
Java class for tServer complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for tServerAt complex type.
Java class for tServiceConfReportControl complex type.
Java class for tServiceForConfDataSet complex type.
Java class for tServices complex type.
Java class for tServiceSettings complex type.
Java class for tServiceSettingsEnum.
Java class for tServiceSettingsNoDynEnum.
Java class for tServiceType.
Java class for tServiceWithMax complex type.
Java class for tServiceWithMaxAndMaxAttributes complex type.
Java class for tServiceWithMaxAndModify complex type.
Java class for tServiceWithMaxNonZero complex type.
Java class for tServiceWithOptionalMax complex type.
Java class for tServiceYesNo complex type.
Java class for tSettingControl complex type.
Java class for tSettingGroups complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for anonymous complex type.
Java class for tSmpMod.
Java class for tSMV complex type.
Java class for tSMVDeliveryEnum.
Java class for tSMVsc complex type.
Java class for tSMVSettings complex type.
Java class for tSubEquipment complex type.
Java class for tSubFunction complex type.
Java class for tSubNetwork complex type.
Java class for tSubstation complex type.
Java class for tSupSubscription complex type.
Java class for tSystemLNGroupEnum.
Java class for tTapChanger complex type.
Java class for tTerminal complex type.
Java class for tText complex type.
Java class for tTimeSyncProt complex type.
Java class for tTransformerWinding complex type.
Java class for tTransformerWindingEnum.
Java class for tTrgOps complex type.
Java class for tUnNaming complex type.
Java class for tVal complex type.
Java class for tValKindEnum.
Java class for tValueHandling complex type.
Java class for tValueWithUnit complex type.
Java class for tVoltage complex type.
Java class for tVoltageLevel complex type.
A representation of the model object